In Bed Together is a collaborative show with approximately 50 works by 50 artists submitted by 50 invited art professionals. Artworks include painting, drawing, mixed media, sculpture, video, photography, and performance. Artists with works on view and the full circle of art professional submitters add up to a collaboration of 100 - all receiving equal billing. The point of the exhibition being that each specific role in the art world is critically dependent upon and supportive of the other. Presented together with personal texts, the selections will tell a compelling story of the contemporary art world today.
A Collaborative Exhibition Curated by Jane Glassman
Exhibiting Artists/CuratorsPrice Latimer Agah, Lee Lynch, Nick Agid, Nathan Mabry, Laurent Ajina, Peter Mays, Lita Albuquerque, Lisa Melandri, Francis Alys, Caroline Messensee, Mecca Vazie Andrews, Kimberli Meyer, Alexandre Arrechea, Daniel Milhaud, Molly Barnes, Marilyn Minter, Linda Besemer, Julie Miyoshi, Suzanne Deal Booth, MOCA, Simmons & Burke, Yasmine Mohseni, JoAnn Busuttil, Lorraine Molina, Kendell Carter, Jim Morphesis, Marie Chambers, Andy Moses, Michal Chelbin, Shirin Aliabadi & Farhad Moshiri, Rosson Crow, Sandeep Mukherjee, Roman de Salvo, Takashi Murakami, Martin Denker . Luke Dubois, Steven Neu, Richard Ehrlich, Thao Nguyen, Fouad Elkoury, Jennifer Nocon, Andrea Feldman Falcione, JoAnne Northrup, Cao Fei, Elizabeth Orleans, Veronica Fernandez, Marc Pally, Danny First, Patricia Parinejad, Lauri Firstenberg, Tom Peters, Andrea Fiuczynski, William Pope, Peter Frank, Amanda, Ross-Ho, Yvette Gellis, Leslie Rubinoff, Dorothy Goldeen, Sterling Ruby, Edward Goldman, Mark Ryden, Homeira Goldstein, Bruce Samuels, Bobbie Greenfield, Amy Sarkisian, Sue Hancock, Cindy Schwartz, Heather Harmon, Eric Shiner, Sandra Vasquez De La Horra, Robyn Siegel, Salomon Huerta, Richard David Sigmund, Deborah Irmas, Stefan Simchowitz, Alex Israel, Mukesh Singh, Donna Anderson Kam, Jennifer Steinkamp, Brooke Kanter, Louis Stern, Marina Kappos, Joel Tauber, Trek Kelly, James Thegerstrom, Robert Kingston, Samantha Thomas, Yumi Kiyose, Roy Thurston, Bettina Korek, Marika Krissman Tsircou, Ilene Kurtz-Kretzschmar, William Tunberg, LACMA, Elinor Turner, Hye Rim Lee, Aya Uekawa, Helen Lewis, Koen Vanmechelen, Kai Loebach, Nicola Vruwink, Justin Lowe, Julie Weitz, Rosa Lowinger, Pae White, Shana Lutker, Miriam Wosk.